maidenhair Package

maidenhair Package

compat Module

functions Module

maidenhair shortcut function module

maidenhair.functions.load(pathname, using=None, unite=False, basecolumn=0, relative=False, baseline=None, parser=None, loader=None, with_filename=False, recursive=False, natsort=True, **kwargs)[source]

Load data from file matched with given glob pattern.

Return value will be a list of data unless unite is True. If unite is True then all data will be united into a single data.


pathname : string or list

A glob pattern or a list of glob pattern which will be used to load data.

using : integer list or slice instance, optional

A list of index or slice instance which will be used to slice data columns.

unite : boolean, optional:

If it is True then dataset will be united into a single numpy array. See usage for more detail.

basecolumn : integer, optional

An index of base column. all data will be trimmed based on the order of this column when the number of samples are different among the dataset. It only affect when unite is specified as True.

relative : boolean, optional

Make the dataset relative to the first data by using maidenhair.filters.relative.relative() function.

baseline : function, None, optional

A function which will take data columns and return regulated data columns. It is useful to regulate baseline of each data in dataset.

parser : instance, string, None, optional

An instance or registered name of parser class. If it is not specified, default parser specified with maidenhair.functions.set_default_parser() will be used instead.

loader : instance, string, None, optional

An instance or registered name of loader class. If it is not specified, default loader specified with maidenhair.functions.set_default_loader() will be used instead.

with_filename : boolean, optional

If it is True, returning dataset will contain filename in the first column. It is cannot be used with unite = True

recursive : boolean, optional

Recursively find pattern in the directory

natsort : boolean

Naturally sort found files.


list :

A list of numpy array


Assume that there are five independent experimental data for three types of samples, namely there are fifteen data. Each data file would have two direction (X and Y) and 100 data points. Its filenames would be formatted as <type number>.<experimental number>.txt and save in tests/fixtures directory.

Then the loading code will be

>>> import maidenhair
>>> dataset = []
>>> dataset += maidenhair.load('tests/fixtures/1.*.txt',
...                             unite=True, using=(0, 1))
>>> dataset += maidenhair.load('tests/fixtures/2.*.txt',
...                             unite=True, using=(0, 1))
>>> dataset += maidenhair.load('tests/fixtures/3.*.txt',
...                             unite=True, using=(0, 1))
>>> len(dataset)            # number of samples
>>> len(dataset[0])         # number of axis (X and Y)
>>> len(dataset[0][0])      # number of data points
>>> len(dataset[0][0][0])   # number of columns

Without using unite=True, the dataset will be

>>> import numpy as np
>>> import maidenhair
>>> dataset = []
>>> dataset += maidenhair.load('tests/fixtures/1.*.txt', using=(0, 1))
>>> dataset += maidenhair.load('tests/fixtures/2.*.txt', using=(0, 1))
>>> dataset += maidenhair.load('tests/fixtures/3.*.txt', using=(0, 1))
>>> len(dataset)            # number of samples
>>> len(dataset[0])         # number of axis (X and Y)
>>> len(dataset[0][0])      # number of data points
>>> isinstance(dataset[0][0][0], np.float64)

Set defaulr parser instance


parser : instance or string

An instance or registered name of parser class. The specified parser instance will be used when user did not specified parser in maidenhair.functions.load() function.

See also

Register new class

Get default parser instance


instance :

An instance of parser class

See also

Register new class

Set defaulr loader instance


loader : instance or string

An instance or registered name of loader class. The specified loader instance will be used when user did not specified loader in maidenhair.functions.load() function.

See also

Register new class

Get default loader instance


instance :

An instance of loader class

See also

Register new class